We deploy digital solutions for efficient and secure public procurement
This Office is dedicated to improving procurement practice in Jamaica by deploying digital solutions, including electronic procurement, with the aim of increasing efficiency in the procurement process. The E-Services team researches, analyses and implements international best practise in digital procurement to ensure Jamaica’s country procurement system is operating optimally and in alignment with the objectives of the system. Our flagship electronic procurement solution is the Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement Portal (GOJEP).

Electronic procurement enables you to conduct public procurement efficiently, transparently and sustainably. GOJEP, Jamaica’s e-Procurement platform, is accessible, reliable and serves as a great source of public procurement data and transactional information. We onboard users and troubleshoot technical issues.
Being a supplier to the Government of Jamaica has never been easier. GOJEP is an online system that provides suppliers the opportunity to view procurement opportunities and submit offers from wherever you are in the world. We register suppliers and even provide real time assistance for navigating the platform.
They can’t hide. GOJEP makes procurement transactions transparent, contributing to accountability and integrity in the spending of every dollar. We onboard auditors and provide real time assistance for navigating the platform.