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Bid Submission

A Procuring Entity (PE) sought guidance as follows:

  1. The PE initiated procurement proceedings for Supply and Delivery of File Servers via the Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement (GOJEP) System. The deadline for submission was Wednesday, January 11, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.;
  2. Prior to bid submission deadline, the PE received a telephone call from a bidder, informing that it was unable to upload its bid or send an email as a result of internet disruption/outage experienced by both service providers;
  3. Four (4) bids were received at the close of the bid submission deadline;
  4. Two bidders submitted bid securities by the deadline for submission of original bid securities, however, neither bidder submitted a bid;
  5. The PE notes that only one of the two bidders communicated the issues experienced which the PE notes appears to have been island wide; and submitted their bid by email one (1) day after the deadline for bid submission.

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