Policy Development
We develop evidence-based and data-informed policies
We develop and evaluate public procurement policies, procedures and guidelines through research, consultation and coordination with our stakeholders. Through our monitoring of the performance of the country procurement system, we identify threats to sound procurement, and respond by developing and implementing robust protocols which support the attainment of the objects of the Public Procurement Act, incorporate best practices in the field of public procurement, and enable rational decision-making within the Jamaican public procurement context.

In our policy development process, we ensure the policies are:
Our policy-making process defines the outcome that a policy is designed to realise. It takes a long-term view based on extensive research and an understanding of the social, political, economic and cultural trends. This forward looking approach also ensures that there is a focus on managing for results.
Our policies never crafted in a vacuum. We keep abreast of current affairs, and matters influencing factors at the national, regional and international levels, understanding that it is important to learn from the experiences of other regions and countries.
We ‘think outside of the box’ when developing policy in order to develop new ways of solving given problems or modernising existing processes. Risks are be identified and actively managed.
The advice and decisions of this Office are based on the best available evidence from a wide range of sources. Our evidence-based approach to policy development involves the reviewing of existing research; commissioning of new research; consulting experts; and considering a range of financially-weighted options.
Our policy-making process takes into consideration the possible impact that a measure may have on the groups being targeted by the policy. We ensure that key stakeholders are involved by way of the consultative process.
Our policy development process takes a holistic view, spanning the boundaries of the portfolio Ministry and encompassing the strategic objectives of the government as a whole. Consideration is given to the appropriate management and operational structures needed to deliver cross-cutting objectives. Measures that will promote the inclusion of other Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the process, are clearly defined and understood and the role they play in the implementation of the policy given careful consideration at the earliest opportune time.
The Office’s policy development process takes into consideration how the policy will be communicated with the public. Effective communication is key and as such we do not solely concentrate on how information will be conveyed but also how feedback will be captured.
Systematic monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of our policies is factored into the policy development process. This forms the basis upon which a review can take place. Monitoring and evaluation go hand-in-hand and ensure that the policy is really dealing with the problem it was created to solve.